Image taken by Rich Sayles Photography

Hi! I'm Gemma Rose (she/her), founder and organiser of PDSM. I'm so excited to introduce you to the magic of PDSM. Let's get stuck in!

You can find out more about Gemma on her website.

What is PDSM?

PDSM stands for ‘Pole Dance Stripper Movement’. PDSM curates sex worker led and sex worker focused events. We aim to elevate sex worker voices and wish to provide a safe & fully inclusive space. We currently run four main events: The PDSM Competition; The PDSM Showcase; Sexplicit and Slutcation.

Why I created PDSM

Stripper erasure and othering in the pole industry is still rife which, in turn, is directly harming sex workers by reinforcing the stigma. Having sex worker-led events to combat these narratives and to elevate sex worker status are well needed. I do a lot of activism work on my personal platform in regards to sex worker rights, I felt it was time for an alternative, official platform where I can further amplify others. And so, PDSM was born! The first event we curated was The PDSM Competition in January 2023 to elevate the standard of the pole comp scene.

Thanks to our supporters, PDSM has flourished and continues to develop. We are always learning and love finding new ways to provide spaces for sex workers and our allies.