Terms & Conditions.

  • Everyone must uphold our inclusion statement: We have a zero tolerance policy for any discriminatory behaviour. Any discriminatory or negative behaviour conducted by any person involved in our events, either online or in person, will result in disqualification and/or removal from the event and the potential of a permanent ban from all PDSM events. Discrimination includes (but is not limited to) racism, sexism, queerphobia, transphobia, whorephobia, xenophobia, ableism, fatphobia, classism and religious discrimination. Negative behaviour can qualify as ‘bullying’ type behaviours; treating anyone with any level of unkindness is unacceptable. This behaviour may be expressed physically or verbally and will not be tolerated.

  • PDSM is not liable for any damage to property, injury to persons or third parties during any stage of our events.

  • PDSM participants are recommended to ensure that they have their own insurance in place to cover personal injury. 

  • PDSM reserves the right to prevent a dancer from participating if they are judged to not be physically fit, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

  • PDSM reserves the right to stop a dancer’s performance at any time due to safety concerns or a breach of the rules and regulations.

  • PDSM is committed to the highest standards of health and safety at all stages of our events. Part of our commitment to health and safety will be to ensure that all equipment (namely, but not limited to, the poles) is used to manufacturers guidelines.

  • PDSM will not be liable for any expenses incurred by the performer’s participation at any events unless agreed upon beforehand.

  • PDSM will not be liable to any participants for any loss or expense whether direct or indirect suffered by the participant resulting from a breach of PDSM terms and conditions.

  • PDSM may licence or sub-contract all or any part of its rights and obligations without the participant’s consent.

  • The failure by PDSM to enforce any provision of these terms and conditions shall not be treated as a waiver of that provision, nor shall it affect PDSM’s right to subsequently enforce that provision.

  • If any provision of these terms and conditions shall be invalid, void, illegal or unenforceable the validity, existence, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected, prejudiced or impaired.

  • PDSM reserves the right to make modifications to the terms and conditions. Participants will be given advance notice in writing of any changes. Changes will take effect from the date of notification.

  • The law governing all contracts with PDSM is the Law of England. In the case of any dispute, the Courts of England have exclusive Jurisdiction.


  • The application fee for The PDSM Competition is non-refundable.

  • PDSM reserves the right to disqualify any competitor who breaches the rules and regulations of the competition.

  • PDSM reserves the right to make modifications to the rules, regulations, terms and conditions of the competition. Competitors and judges will be given advance notice in writing of any changes. Changes will take effect from the date of notification.

  • The winners of each category at The PDSM Competition will hold the following titles:

    • The PDSM Competition Upcoming Sensual Performer Champion

    • The PDSM Competition Sensual Champion

    • The PDSM Competition Upcoming Show Performer Champion

    • The PDSM Competition Show Champion

    • The PDSM Competition Upcoming Strip Tease Performer Champion

    • The PDSM Competition Strip Tease Champion

    • The PDSM Competition Upcoming SS Twerk Performer Champion

    • The PDSM Competition SS Twerk Champion

  • Titles will be held until the completion of the subsequent PDSM final event.

  • PDSM reserves the right to pursue damages should the title be used in any manner deemed to be damaging to PDSM.

  • PDSM will be using venue’s permanent floor to ceiling poles during events and cannot be responsible for any damage to property, injury to persons or third parties during the use of this product. Please note that our events use 50mm strip club poles and are very well-used.

  • PDSM will not be liable for any expenses incurred by the competitor’s participation in the competition.

  • In the event of a breach of contract by PDSM,  the remedies of the competitor shall be limited to damages not exceeding the price of the application fee.